I have a bunch of stuff that I do very well. I am also super smart and intelligent and spend all of my free time doing things that would increase your marketable output. I dream of further growing your wealth with my labor. I need you. <3
I am a mere cyborg of a human being that serves only to contribute to the assets of your company and further your goals. I would accept a pay that many would deem unlivable with a smile as I love to grow my skillsets through work.
Using the publically available REST API, MAL Matcher allows two users of MyAnimeList to compare their profile's "planned-to-watch" or "planned-to-read" media and find matches, in the hopes of finding something they can start watching/reading communally.
Using a combination of Action and REST architectures, WikiStats has the ability to gather normally inaccessible statistics for any category on any site deployed using MediaWiki. It is currently featured and in use on Appropedia.